Pure Capital - Independent asset management

Pachira Fund - CCC UCITS Gegevens per 06/02/2025

Investment objective and policy

The objective of the sub-fund is to provide return through a diversified portfolio principally made of UCITS and ETF’s. Underlying UCITS will mainly focus on flexible global asset allocation strategies. ETF’s are used to give exposure to specific investment themes (i.e. specific segment of the bond markets, specific geographic focus,...).

The investment policy includes particularly high risk diversification, an elaborate portfolio construction methodology, and a flexible and agile investment decision process: the portfolio’s allocation between the various asset classes and categories of UCITS, UCI's and ETF's, as well as asset allocations by geographic region, economic sector, credit rating and maturity may vary substantially with the time according to the investment manager’s expectations. 

More specifically, at most 60% of the net assets of the sub-fund will be exposed directly or indirectly to equities.

The sub-fund is actively managed with no reference to benchmark.

Investor profile

The sub-fund is intended for all investors looking for opportunities in global equity and debt securities markets.

Investors much have a medium-term investment horizon of over 3 years.


The Pachira Sub-Fund CCC was launched on 8 March 2023. The historical performance of a financial product that has been in existence for less than one year cannot be displayed under any circumstances.



Typisch lagere rendementen
Minder risico.
Typisch hogere rendementen
Meer risico.

The Summary Risk Indicator (SRI), in accordance with the Key Information Document (PRIIPS-KID), allows the level of risk of this product to be assessed in relation to others. It indicates the likelihood of losses in the event of market movements or the sub-fund's inability to pay you. This indicator ranks the risk on a scale of 1 to 7. A low score indicates lower risk but potentially lower return. A higher score will lead to higher risk but potentially higher return.

The level of risk indicated is not a guarantee and may change over time. It also assumes that you keep the product for 3 years. The risk may be significantly different if you sell the product at an early stage and you may get a lower return.

Main risks

  • “Equity” risk. The price of an equity security may vary, sometimes due to factors that have nothing to do with the company’s intrinsic value. Equity prices may be affected by economic factors and market conditions, such as a general decrease in share prices or conditions that affect one or more specific issuers, such as changes in earnings forecasts.
  • Interest rate risk. An increase in interest rates may cause the value of the sub-fund’s bonds to decrease.
  • Credit risk. An issuer may be unable to meet its obligations. If an issuer’s solvency position deteriorates, the value of the issuer’s bonds or of derivative instruments that are linked to this issuer may decrease.
  • Counterparty risk. The sub-fund may suffer losses if a counterparty defaults and is unable to meet its obligations, particularly if the transaction with the counterparty involves over-the-counter derivatives.
  • Exchange rate risk. The risk that the exchange rate of a given currency may vary with respect to that of another currency over the near or medium term.
  • The risk of using certain financial techniques. The use of complex products, such as derivative contracts, may amplify changes in the price of the sub-fund’s securities.
  • The risk of investing in contingent convertibles (CoCo’s). CoCo’s expose investors to various risks, such as loss absorbency, price fluctuations, trigger risk and conversion risk.
  • Liquidity risk. The sub-fund invests in markets which may be adversely affected by a decrease in liquidity. These market conditions may affect the price at which the asset manager buys or sells a given security.
  • Discretionary management risk. Since the investment strategy is based on projected changes in the various markets, there is a risk that the sub-fund may not be invested in the best-performing markets at any one time.
  • Operational risk. The risk of an error or wrongdoing on the part of a party involved in the management, valuation and/or custody of the sub-fund’s assets.



  • Name: PCFS – Pachira Fund - CCC
  • Classification: Flexible asset allocation - Global
  • ISIN code: LU1493823642
  • Bloomberg ticker: PACHICC LX Equity
  • Type: Undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS)
  • Legal form: A sub-fund of the “PCFS” Luxembourg SICAV fund
  • Inception date: 22/03/2023
  • NAV on inception: €1.000
  • Currency: EUR
  • Benchmark index : None
  • Share type: Accumulation
  • Term: Indefinite
  • Minimum recommended investment horizon: over 3 years
  • Investor type: Retail investors
  • Management company: Pure Capital S.A. – A Luxembourg-based management company
  • Auditor: PwC Luxembourg
  • NAV publication: Website, Bloomberg and Beama.be


  • Management fee and other administrative or operating expenses (including Management fee: max. 1.00%): 1.78%
  • Transaction fee: 0.04%
  • Performance fee: None
  • Subscription fee: Max. 3%, at the distributor’s discretion
  • Redemption fee: 0%


  • Minimum investment requirement: €1.000
  • Cut-off: 10:00 am (CET)
  • NAV valuation frequency: Daily
  • Settlement date: Max. (D+3)
  • Transfer agent / Depositary: CACEIS Bank Luxembourg Branch
  • Swing pricing applicable: No


UCITS. Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities are investment funds regulated at European Union level.

ETF. Fund that follows the level of share prices on a stock market, and that is also traded on a market: ETFs are a low-cost, flexible way to buy into a wide range of companies.

Swing pricing. Anti-dilution technique that allows the Fund to apportion the costs linked to portfolio adjustments caused by subscription/redemption requests on the shareholders whose orders caused the necessity to rebalance the portfolio. It is a liquidity risk tool designed so that remaining shareholders don’t bear all the costs (including dilution) caused by first movers.


This is an advertising communication. Please refer to the prospectus and the Key Information Documents (PRIIPS-KID), for the UCITS before making any final investment decision. These are available free of charge on request from Pure Capital S.A. (tel: +352 26 39 86) or on its website www.purecapital.eu. The PRIIPS-KID is available in French, Dutch and English. The prospectus, the half-yearly report and the annual report are available in English.

The information presented above does not constitute investment advice and is intended for promotional purposes. It is neither a binding contractual document nor a disclosure document required by law, and is not sufficient for making an investment decision.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Performance may vary over time. Investments are subject to market fluctuations and the investor may get back less than is invested. Exposures, allocations and investments may vary in the future in response to different market conditions at Pure Capital's discretion. There can be no guarantee that the investment objectives will be achieved.

The management and custodian fees, as well as any other costs which, in accordance with the prospectus, are charged to the sub-fund, are included in the calculation of the net asset value and, consequently, the performance.

An annual custody fee may be charged by the account holder. They vary from one institution to another. To find out about them, it is necessary to ask it.

The tax treatment of this product depends on the investor's situation. For example, in Belgium, the tax treatment may be the following:

  • Withholding tax: Over 10% of this sub-fund’s portfolio is invested in debt securities. The income on these securities is subject to a 30% withholding tax.
  • Transactions tax: No tax is charged when purchasing the sub-fund. A 1.32% tax is charged when selling accumulation shares only. This tax is capped at €4,000.

Investors can find out about their rights at https://www.purecapital.eu/legal.html. A summary is available in English and French.

Any complaints or claims can be addressed in writing to the company's head office: Pure Capital S.A., 2 rue d'Arlon, L-8399 Windhof, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, for the attention of Mr Thierry Léonard, Managing Partner. If the handling of these complaints by the internal service does not satisfy the investor, they may, for Belgium, be submitted to Ombudsfin, Financial Services Ombudsman, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, n° 8 bte. 2, 1000 Brussels, e-mail: ombudsman@ombudsfin.be in writing or via the online complaint form https://www.ombudsfin.be/nl/klacht-indienen.

Pure Capital S.A. may decide to cease the marketing of its collective investment schemes in accordance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC and Article 32a of Directive 2011/61/EU.

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